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The Cypresses of TuscanyBed On The Beach
00:00 / 01:04
In April of 2021, we started the German podcast Bett am Strand. Together with our team of professional authors, we create weekly travel stories to fall asleep to. Jede Folge spielt an einem neuen Ort, den wir in farbenfroher Sprache beschreiben und mit allen Sinnen erlebbar machen.

Foto Kevin Silvan
Björn Landberg is... Silvan Oschmann is an audio engineer and spoken word director and runs a recording studio in Berlin, Germany

Within 2 years, we have been growing our podcast to more than 80,000 episode downloads per month...

...which makes us currently the #02 show in Apple Podcast´s Places & Travel charts.

screenshot lufthansa inflight
Since June of 2023, our German podcast is part of the onboard entertainment program of Lufthansa, Swissair, Austrian Air and Germanwings Discover.
Now it´s time to start the show in English. This is your chance to get on board from the get go and make BED ON THE BEACH your brands podcast.
The Cypresses Of TuscanyBed On The Beach
00:00 / 01:04
The most beautiful of our stories will be professionally translated ensuring the same colorful, detail loving language that made us succeed so far. Have a listen to "The Cypresses Of Tuscany", which will be the first episode.
For the duration of your sponsorship, we offer to place your company logo on our podcast cover. We also offer to brand the podcast as yours by naming your company as the author of the podcast. Every episode will start with a host-read pre-roll ad of your company. The pre-roll can be replaced on a monthly basis according to your wishes.

english cover
If you want to learn more about your sponsorship options or if you have any questions, please don´t hesitate to contact us:
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